We have over 60 members in the Club. We welcome all years of Classic and Antique Buicks. Prospective members are encouraged to attend an event to meet us.  To join the fun, complete the membership application below. PRINT information. CLIP and US Mail it with a  check for $30 (to NorCal Buick Club) to our Treasurer, Bill Moniz. See below. Memberships are per family.

Members are encouraged to also join our parent organization, the Buick Club of America.  They have interfaces to General Motors to provide historical and technical help. The monthly magazine “The Bugle” is a renowned glossy work that captures many literary awards. Stories on the Buick hobby, technical tips, parts vendors, FOR SALE, etc. are handy. BCA also organizes a bi-yearly National Meet, attended by up to 300 cars. For their application form click <HERE> and send to them at the address on their website.